Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 7

I'm on Day 7. Favorite movie day! I love movies. There is nothing better than curling up on the couch with a blanket, Diet Coke, noodles, and good movie :) I love it! Okay so my faves are....

The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio. Seriously, such a great film! It's based on a true story, which is why I think I love it so much. And I always love when movies have a strong female lead. This story is about how much a mother sacrifices for her family and how basically she keeps it all together at a time when women didn't really work outside the home, or inside for that matter. It's beautiful.

Next is Runaway Bride. LOVE THIS MOVIE! And honestly, it's just a romantic comedy. Nothing really super special. But I remember one summer I couldn't get enough. I'd put it in the VCR and press play. When it was over, I would rewind it and watch it again. So good :)

Easy A. What do you even say about this movie? It took me a while to watch it, but my friends Austin and Taylor kept quoting it so they decided I had to watch it. I'm so glad they did! The writing is brilliant. The chemistry between the actors is beautiful. And the story is wonderful. Best movie. :)

Doris Day at her best. She's timeless ya know? Rock Hudson and Doris Day have such captivating chemistry on screen, it's so fun to watch. I love this movie because it's a unique story line, and so funny :) But again, a romantic comedy :) Surprise, Surprise!

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