Friday, June 8, 2012

Thank you Taylor Swift

Day 26 Think back to how you were 5 years ago. How have you changed since then?

So 5 years ago...I was the beautiful age of 16. I couldn't see beyond the world that I had created for myself. School was good. Friends were good. Life was good. I looked forward to everything. Nothing bad happened. I was judgmental. I just wanted to be normal. And I couldn't wait for dances to happen. Or for dates to arrive.

I am now 21 and I see the world for what it is. A sometimes scary place with beautiful people. School is still good. Friends are amazing. Life. Is. Good. I look forward to everything. Bad things happen. But I learned to roll with the punches. The bad is what makes the good so, good. I have learned to love people for who they are. Nothing more, nothing less. That has made me realize how genuine people are. It's a beautiful thing. I'm not normal. By any means. I am special. I am different. I am Lisha. And now I don't wait for dances. Dances wait for me.

xoxo, Lisha


Michael S Johnson said...

I love everything about this. "Dances wait for me." and "the bad is what makes the good, good." You are so wise. <3

LishKishBish said...

Thanks boo :)