Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 13

Hobbies. Things I like to do. I have the normal answers. Watch Movies. Hang with Friends. Go out to dinner. But what I really LOVE LOVE LOVE to do is make people beautiful. Scratch that. Make people FEEL beautiful. I love makeup and hair and glitter and lip gloss. But to me beauty doesn't equal perfection. It's all of the little imperfections that I find intriguing and I always have. I remember thinking as a little kid that freckles were so cool. And that I would give anything to have green eyes because my brown ones were not cutting it! Then I realized I had to own these traits about myself. Make them mine. Because I want to be proud to be me. Love the person I see in the mirror. And I do. And you should too. You deserve that. You owe that to yourself. I think everyone does. And I'm not saying that I don't have bad "I'm fat let me eat a cupcake....or 3" days because Heaven knows that I do. But I don't let that stop me from being fearless. Fearless to walk out the door and love my body. Love my hair. Love my hips. And my ankles. ( OH MY ANKLES!) xoxox, Lisha


Jess said...

If I ever get married, I would be honored to have you be my maker-upper ;)

Farrah Ann said...

And you are SO talented at making people feel beautiful. And I know that from personal experience. ;) Love you girl!