Wednesday, November 10, 2010


So have you ever felt twitterpated? Like head over heels, stars in your eyes, only dreaming about this one person, everytime you see them you get butterflies, just wanna be around them all the time, twitterpated? Isn't it the craziest feeling? It's like you want to should from the rooftops "I'M IN SEVER LIKE WITH YOU!!!" But at the same time you want to hide under a sheet because if they knew that you liked them....
What? What would happen? I mean the worst probably is that they say "I just want to be friends". And what's so wrong with that? Probably nothing. Probably Everything.
Liking someone in a romantic way and not having those feelings returned can be devastating. Humilating. Sad. Pathetic. A tragedy.
But honestly, wouldn't you rather have someone tell you right away that those feelings aren't returned? I've sad it before, but I'd rather be hurt for a minute with the truth than forever with your lies.
SO...say what you feel! Live what you say! Dance your heart out! Sing like you mean it! AND Love, like your heart will never break :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lisha, you are so insightful! I have to say I agree with you. We get so scared about something that's probably not even a big deal, but it's just in our nature! We would rather torture ourselves than find out the truth and risk heartbreak.

But, I like your attitude! It kinda makes me think of:
"It's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all."
Doesn't fit perfectly, but I think it's somewhat related haha