Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Do People ever just bug?

Okay so here's how it's going.....
PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh man! Okay so I'm not perfect by ANY means, but I think that in today's society people should have some social skills! Being Socially inept should no longer be an issue when you're an adult, but especially when you are going into an industry that is all about customer service. There is this girl, let's call her Carol. Carol has some issues around people. She has a hard time listening and paying attention, then having really weird questions on top of it. I was having such a hard time in class today focusing because I was watching Carol! It was kind of ridiculous. She was a huge distraction to everyone in class.
My new goal is to to have patience with Carol. I realized that while writing that paragraph I need to be kind. I need to see her as my Heavenly Father sees her, and he sees her for all that she is worth. It's so hard to be nice to people that bother you! Anyone have any suggestions???

Love, Lisha

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