Friday, March 30, 2012


So these last few days in Price America have been so gorgeous! I love just sitting on the grass and feeling the breeze thought my hair, soaking up some rays. Best ever. I can't help thought, feel a tug at my heart every time I go outside. If the weather is nice, that means my time here is almost over. And that kind of sucks. And I know change is good. Change is what helps you grow. But I have made some of the best friends of my life here, and to say goodbye is going to be really hard. I had my last opening night on The Geary Stage last night and it hit me. That has been home for a year of my life. The creaky stage, the freezing dressing room, and the old rusty pipes that make noise for no reason at all. That's where I met "The Rude Lady" and played cards way past my bed time. I've cried in there. I've laughed. I've realized I could do things that I never thought were possible. And it's places like that, that you never forget. I'll never forget doing a monologue with a best friend that people after thought was so cool. I'll never forget watching my best friend perform with such grace, because he never ceases to amaze me. I'll never forget kissing my boyfriend for the first time in a card game played in the stage manager's office. You just don't forget a place like that.

xoxox, Lisha

1 comment:

Michael S Johnson said...

I love and miss you no end child. xoxo