Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Monologue (One of many I'm sure)

Do you ever have one of those days where you feel...Invincible? Like you could fly if you wanted? Or move a mountain with you bare hands? I kind of feel like that whenever I'm with you. You make me strong. And determined. And brave. I really can't explain it. And I kind of don't want to, for fear that it won't be as special anymore. Is that weird? It probably is. But that's another thing about you. YOU DON'T EVEN CARE! In fact you embrace my insecurities. You tell me "You wouldn't be you, if you didn't have imperfections." And all of this is so eternally backwards to me because all I want to be is perfect for you. People tell me all of the time that perfection isn't real. People on tv screaming at me that it won't ever happen. Or pictures in magazines illustrating to me that I'm never enough. And yet here you are telling me that my imperfections are just that. PERFECT.

When did I get so obsessed with being perfect? Perfect....pERFect. perf---ect.

Probably the day I dropped my sunglassses. And looked up and saw the most perfect boy I have ever seen.

Perfect you.

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