Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Why is it okay to string someone along? Why is alright for me to take it? I mean I hate people who say one thing and do another! Who said that was okay? I'm not a door mat...
For the future, be real with me. You know exactly who you are! Don't mess with me. Just tell me straight to my face. Be real. It's better this way. No false pretences, just the cold hard facts. Don't be afraid of hurting my feelings because honestly I will get over it. The longer your string me along is the longer I follow you. The longer I will be hurt in the long run. The longer crying sessions that I will have to endure to get you out of my head. So it. Just tell me now!

1 comment:

Jaron said...

you got yo self a lot of rage hopefully that isn't about me!!

by the way i'm holding you to that personal makeup artist thing!! i should have you do my makeup for a show sometime that would be fun!